6 Ideas for Improving Professional Drivers’ Experience at the Pump
Professional drivers’ experience at the fuel pump is very important. There are several elements travel centers should consider when thinking through the driver experience.
Here are six ideas for improving drivers’ experience at the pump:
- Pay at Backcourt. Strongly considering updating your pumps to allow drivers to pay at the backcourt.
- Encourage Pulling Forward. Highlight the ability for drivers to pull forward.
- Knowledge is Power. Watch the process of a driver fueling. How long does it take them from start to finish? Are there any improvements you can make to speed up the process?
- Be Consistant with Marketing Messaging. Add the same marketing materials on the building and on the pumps in the backcourt that are on the forecourt.
- Roll Out the Red Carpet. Make your backcourt entrance inviting and safe.
- Get creative. , has an industrial hand-washing station at the truck entrance. This addition lets drivers know their needs are important. (Read for more good ideas from Port Fuel Center.)
Read Travel Center Ideas to Improve Professional Drivers’ Experience at the Pump for more ideas.
// Created for Stop Watch magazine, the magazine of the Foundation. The Foundation is the research, education and public outreach subsidiary of NATSO, Inc. The Foundation provides programs and products aimed at strengthening travel plazas’ ability to meet the needs of the traveling public through improved operational performance and business planning. Visit for more information. (Donate to the Foundation here.)
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