
House Bill Would Eliminate Energy Tax Credits

U.S. Rep. Mike Pompeo (R-Kan.) has reintroduced legislation that would repeal numerous energy tax subsidies, including the cellulosic biofuel producer credit, the biodiesel and renewable diesel tax credit, the wind production tax credit and the enhanced oil recovery credit.

Judges Won鈥檛 Reconsider E15 Rule; Industry Faces Blend Wall

A federal appeals court refused to reconsider a decision to throw out a lawsuit challenging an Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) rule that allows sales of E-15, a gasoline blend containing 15 percent ethanol. Grocery, auto and oil industry trade groups sued in 2010, saying using more corn-based ethanol in fuel would harm engines and push up the price of food and gasoline.

Preparation for the Facilitation Session at The 黑料社区Show

The 黑料社区Show attendees that plan to attend the Fundamental Leadership Skills: Facilitation educational session at The 黑料社区Show have homework. Session facilitator Jeffrey Cufaude of Idea Architects has prepared a video for attendees that provides techniques for engaging other people鈥檚 best contributions.

Canadian Crude Oil Pumps Supply for Local Refiners

Tom Kloza, the chief analyst at the Oil Price Information Service, said a concentration of crude from Canada, down through North Dakota, Missouri and West Texas is creating opportunities for local refineries, resulting in lower prices in some markets.

ATRI Seeks Driver Input on HOS Provisions

The American Transportation Research Institute, the research arm of the American Trucking Associations, is asking commercial drivers to weigh in on changes to the 34-hour restart provision of the federal hours-of-service rule set to take effect in July.

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