
Virginians Rally Against Tolls on I-95; Anti-Tax Group Warns Against Alternatives

Last week, hundreds of Virginians rallied together to show their opposition to tolls on I-95 at a Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) public presentation in Sussex County that nearly filled the 700-seat auditorium at Sussex County Central High School. Prior to the rally, VDOT announced a reduced toll plan for locals, which was rejected by the tolling opponents.

Ohio Governor Won’t Lease Turnpike

Ohio Gov. John Kasich plans to propose raising $1.5 billion for highway projects with Ohio Turnpike bonds while preserving the toll way as a public entity, state lawmakers briefed on the plan said. The proposal means the Ohio Turnpike won’t be sold or leased to a private operator.

Debate Over E15, Renewable Fuels Continues

AAA’s call for a halt in the sale of gasoline containing 15 percent ethanol has sparked debate. The American Petroleum Industry released a point-by-point analysis of the Renewable Fuels Association’s statement about AAA’s position.

Locations Offering Bulk DEF Increase

The number of truckstop locations adding bulk Diesel Exhaust Fluid (DEF) pump facilities in North America has increased over the last two months, with 814 now offering bulk DEF.

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