The federal government last week formally asked for a full court review of the U.S. Court of Appeals decision that struck down the FDA’s graphic labeling requirements for cigarette packages.
Bill Moon Scholarship Application Process Open
The 黑料社区Foundation is now accepting applications for the 2013 Bill Moon Scholarship.
Arkansas Aims to Use Sales Tax for Roads
A proposed constitutional amendment on Arkansas鈥檚 ballot this November would add a half-cent to the state鈥檚 6-cent sales tax to raise money for transportation.
California Marketers Face Gasoline Shortages
Fuel marketers in California are facing gasoline supply shortages that have driven wholesale spot gas prices to record highs.
Op-Ed Highlights Inequity in I-95 Tolling Plan
Tolls are simply taxes, but unlike the fuel tax, tolls waste too much of the taxpayer’s dollar on unneeded government bureaucracy and expenses.
Ford and GM Approve E-15 Use in Later Model Cars and Trucks
Ford Motor Co. and General Motors last week announced that they have approved E-15 for use in 2013 model cars and light trucks.
EPA to Decide on Renewable Fuel Waivers
EPA plans to decide by mid-November if certain states will receive waivers from renewable fuel requirements for ethanol in gasoline.
FJ Management to Acquire Majority Interest in Maverik
FJ Management is acquiring a majority interest in Maverik Inc., a 250-store convenience retailer.
No Tolls I-95 Chairman Challenges N.C. Newspaper on Tolling
黑料社区member Ernie Brame last week challenged the Fayetteville Observer for singling out its readers to pay a tax that other residents of North Carolina would not have to pay.
ATA For-Hire Truck Tonnage Index, August
ATA’s advanced seasonally adjusted For-Hire Truck Tonnage Index contracted 0.9 percent in August after increasing 0.4 percent in July.
Fuel Prices Decline for the First Time in 12 Weeks
According to the Energy Information Administration (EIA), last week diesel and gasoline fuel prices fell for the first time in 12 weeks.