EPA has determined that Stage II vapor recovery systems used at gas stations can be phased-out beginning in 2013.
Diesel and Gas Prices Fall as Oil Hits 2012 Low
The average price of U.S. diesel dropped 1.6 cents last week to $4.057 a gallon.
Less than 25 Percent of Trucking Fleets Think Natural Gas Can Replace Diesel in Near Term
25% of trucking executives think natural gas could become a viable alternative to diesel in the foreseeable future.
Trucking Battles Over EOBRs
A provision in S.1813 would require all long-haul trucks to be outfitted with EOBRs capable of real-time tracking for monitoring of trucks and drivers.
Member News, Two Nebraska Truckstops Add Plug-in Electricity
Shoemaker’s Travel Center and Sapp Bros Travel Center add electrification.
Member News, Kwik Trip Moving into Alternative Fuels
This week, Kwik Trip, which operates more than 400 stores in Wisconsin, Minnesota and Iowa, is hosting its first ever Natural Gas Tradeshow & Summit.
Federal Reserve Releases Report on Debit Interchange Fees
Small banks have been unaffected by the changes to debit card transaction fees under last year’s Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act and competition remains absent from the debit payment market, according to a new report issued by the Federal Reserve last week.
API Says EPA Ethanol Regulations Pose Serious Safety and Environmental Problems for Consumers
EPA continues to move forward with its decision to approve the use of 15 percent ethanol in gasoline (E-15).
Georgia Truckstops and Travel Plazas Eligible for Funds to Electrify Truck Parking
Truckstops and travel plazas located within 10 miles of an EPA designated non-attainment and maintenance area in Georgia are eligible for funding to electrify truck parking spaces (ETPS) under new grants from the Georgia Department of Transportation and Federal Highway Administrations Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality (CMAQ) Program.
Alternative Fueling Stations Increase Scope Across the U.S.
Energy Information Administration provides a map of which alternative fuels are being sold where.
Post Election Lame Duck Frenzy Expected
Bush tax rates, debt-ceiling negotiations and automatic budget cuts are expected to create a frenzied Congressional session after the Presidential election.