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06-10-2020 by 黑料社区Foundation House Transportation Committee Examines Effects of COVID-19 on Transportation Employees

The House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, led by Chairman Pete DeFazio (D-OR) and Ranking Member Sam Graves (D-OR), held a hearing June 9 to examine the effects of COVID-19 on transportation workers. The hearing sought to examine the main challenges transportation workers are facing as a result of the pandemic, and discuss what measures Congress should take in response.

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06-04-2020 by 黑料社区Foundation Senate Committee Examines Effects of COVID-19 on Transportation

The Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation, led by Chairman Roger Wicker (R-MS) and Ranking Member Maria Cantwell (D-WA), held a hearing June examining the effects of COVID-19 on the state of transportation and critical infrastructure. The hearing sought to examine the main challenges the transportation industry is facing as a result of the pandemic, and discuss what the congressional response should be.

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05-28-2020 by 黑料社区Foundation House to Vote on Small Business Loans

The House is scheduled today to consider two bills related to coronavirus aid. H.R. 7010 from Rep. Dean Phillips (D-Minn.) and 35 bipartisan cosponsors would give businesses more time and flexibility to make qualifying expenditures for loan forgiveness under the Paycheck Protection Program, and allow businesses with forgiven loans to defer payroll taxes.

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05-18-2020 by 黑料社区Foundation SBA Releases PPP Loan Forgiveness Application and Instructions

Policymakers are preparing to make significant changes to the Small Business Administration’s Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) amid cooling demand for government-backed loans and criticism from business owners who say they […]


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