ºÚÁÏÉçÇørecently joined a number of other consumer-facing retail trade associations in sending a letter to lawmakers articulating retailers’ top principles for any legislation affecting the protection of consumer data privacy. The letter urges Congress to establish a single, uniform, nationwide data privacy law. “Our members have no higher priority than relationships with their customers,” the letter states. “To comprehensively protect Americans, any federal data privacy legislation should apply to all industry sectors . . . .All of the companies involved in handling that chain of data should have legal obligations to properly guard it under privacy law, and the law should not solely rely on private contracts to create those legal obligations.”
03-05-2019ºÚÁÏÉçÇøjoined more than 10 retail trade associations in sending a letter to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) outlining the groups’ principles on data security standards and consumer notification requirements in the event of breaches of sensitive data. The letter was in response to the FTC’s request for input on the current state of competition and consumer protection law.
10-12-2018In the largest-ever class-action settlement of a U.S. antitrust case, Visa and Mastercard agreed to pay between $5.54 billion and $6.24 billion to a class of more than 12 million merchants who accept the payment networks’ cards, according to a regulatory filing on Tuesday.
09-18-2018The House Financial Services Committee on Sept. 13 favorably reported legislation that would preempt the patchwork of state data breach notification requirements and establish a single national standard.
09-14-2018The U.S. Supreme Court on June 25 handed down a decision in the case of Ohio v. American Express, ruling that American Express did not violate the Sherman Antitrust Act. The decision comes after a long battle that started in 2010 when the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ), in conjunction with several state attorneys general, brought the case against Visa, Mastercard and American Express arguing that the rules promulgated by the card networks preventing merchants from offering discounts were a violation of antitrust laws.
06-26-2018ºÚÁÏÉçÇøurged members of the House Committee on Financial Services to continue discussions with stakeholders before moving draft data breach notification legislation to a markup because the draft bill would be less effective than existing law.
03-13-2018The U.S. Supreme Court said Oct. 16 that it will hear an antitrust case examining American Express’s rules that bar merchants from encouraging customers to use one credit card over another, a practice known as “steering.” The decision offers new hope to retailers who for years have argued that American Express’s merchant agreements violate antitrust laws and result in higher costs for consumers.
10-16-2017ºÚÁÏÉçÇøjoined trade associations representing more than a million businesses in telling Congress that any new federal law on data breach notification should apply to all industries that handle consumer data.
09-13-2017Marking a major victory for retailers, Politico late yesterday announced that House Republicans plan to drop language from the Financial Choice Act that would have repealed the debit swipe fee reforms which have saved businesses and consumers billions since being implemented under the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act.
05-25-2017The House Financial Services Committee on May 4 favorably reported the CHOICE Act, legislation that would roll back a number of the reforms in the Dodd Frank financial reform legislation, including debit reforms known as the Durbin Amendment that have been critical for retailers.
05-05-2017On May 2, the House Financial Services Committee began examining the CHOICE Act, legislation that would repeal many provisions of the Dodd Frank Financial Reform Act, including critical debit reform provisions known as the Durbin Amendment. ºÚÁÏÉçÇøstrongly supports the Durbin Amendment and is working to ensure that it is not repealed.