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01-23-2012 by NATSO CSA Releases New Fact Sheet Series

The U.S. Department of Transportation’s Compliance, Safety, Accountability (CSA) program released a new Behavior Analysis and Safety Improvement Category (BASIC) fact sheet series on its website.

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01-01-2012 by lm Biodiesel Basics

More than 20 engine manufacturers, including Cummins, Inc., Ford Motor Company, General Motors Corporation, Deere & Company, Mack Trucks, Inc., Volkswagen of America, Inc. and Volvo Truck Corporation, have approved biodiesel blends for use in their engines ranging from 5 percent biodiesel blends (B5) to 20 percent biodiesel blends (B20)

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01-01-2011 by NATSO Shop Repair In a CSA 2010 World

The nationwide rollout of Comprehensive Safety Analysis (CSA) 2010 is underway, and it is changing the way fleets approach their maintenance. Under the new government-mandated system, violations found at roadside that didn鈥檛 accrue points in the past will count. As a result, it is likely that carriers will no longer wait until a truck returns to its terminal to take care of maintenance, which will boost over-the-road repairs.


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