Chip-and-Pin Cards Protect Retailers from Liability, Increase Customer Service
/// Guest post by contributor Dan Hudson, First Data
Chip-and-pin credit card technology is heading to the U.S. and while retailers aren’t required to comply, they can face liability issues beginning on Oct. 1, 2015 if they don’t. As of Oct. 1, 2017, liability will shift to fuel merchants at the pump. In most card present environments today, fraud is absorbed by the bank/issuer unless the merchant fails to meet POS acceptance requirements or fails to defend through the “chargeback process.”
While liability alone is an important issue, enabling chip-and-pin, also called EMV, has other benefits for retailers.
EMV-enabled cards are designed to prevent fraud. When it comes to card authentication, each year in the United States, $1.3 billion is lost. EMV validates that the card itself is the original, issuer-produced card and protects against counterfeit fraud. Under EMV, transactions require an authentic card that is validated either online or offline. It also ensures that the person attempting to make the transaction is the cardholder.
In the United Kingdom, which requires EMV technology, total card purchases grew 32 percent between 2005 and 2010, but total card fraud decreased 17 percent. Today lost and stolen card fraud is at its lowest levels since the 1990s and counterfeit card fraud is at its lowest level since 1998.
Not only does EMV reduce chargeback liability and associated oversight costs of fraud, it can also speed up checkout lanes with contactless transactions and lets consumers pay the way they want—either with their credit card, their phone or with a wave/tap of their card.
It can also enable more payments from international travelers using EMV-enabled payment cards, which are already standard in several countries.
EMV adoption will require technology upgrades. One challenge for merchants is that it can be difficult to find a terminal solution that supports all their processing needs in a single package. To compete in business, it is important for many merchants to be able to accept EMV chip, credit, debit, check, EBT, gift card and loyalty cards. First Data has a variety of options available. Retailers will want to start talking with their providers now.
First Data has provided reader’s with access to a what paper on EMV payments. Download First Data’s EMV slides here.
// Read more blog posts on truckstop technology here.
{Guest Post} Guest post provided by Chairman’s Circle member First Data. In 2005 joined with First Data to develop a direct, cost effective and competitive solution for payment processing that is fast, convenient and secure. You may use First Data now but that doesn’t mean you are covered by the remarkable NATSO/First Data program! The NATSO/First Data program includes a “cost+” rate structure with numerous reduced fees that include a $0 chargeback fee. Utilizing the vast payment industry experience of First Data coupled with direct oversight of industry experts, our program supports practically all forms of electronic payments including fleet, credit and pin debit cards plus customized gift & e-loyalty programs. For more information and to get started, contact Dan Hudson at (703) 398-5831 or email
The opinions and advice given by guest post contributors are not necessarily those of Inc. The posts should not be considered legal advice. Qualified professionals should be sought regarding advice and questions specific to your circumstances.
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