Articles & News » Truckstop Business

Connecting with Members


2010 was an exciting year for me. It brought both a new last name and a new position at NATSO. I couldn’t be more thrilled to transition from a Carle to a Toner and to take the reins as editor of Stop Watch.

Almost five years ago, I came to as the director of membership. In that role, I forged relationships with travel plaza and truckstop operators as well as vendors. In that time I also discovered I have a thirst for learning.

Over the past year, I’ve taken classes on calligraphy, chocolate truffles and Adobe Illustrator among others. I’ve watched the giant stack of magazines by my bed ebb and flow and learned that I can’t go a single day without checking my favorite blogs on my iPad. I’ve also discovered that what really gives me a thrill is learning from members.

NATSO’s fundamental purpose is to deliver solutions to members’ challenges and achieve the public policy goals of the travel plaza and truckstop industry. And Stop Watch magazine is one vehicle through which we deliver this goal. However, we can’t deliver content to members on trends or news affecting the industry, travel plaza business operations or your customers without your help.

We need to hear from you. Help me and the content team that delivers StopWatch learn more about members and what challenges you would like to see addressed in the magazine. Or better yet, volunteer for a member profile or to assist your fellow operators by participating in an Operator to Operator question. To share your ideas, call me at (703) 739-8570 or email me at

With a degree in Studio Art, I feel almost giddy at the prospect of bringing my creative background to connect with members through StopWatch. This connection will take time but I look forward to getting to know each other little by little over time.


Amy Toner



This article originally ran in Stop Watch magazineStop Watch provides in-depth content to assist members in improving their travel plaza business operations and provides context on trends and news affecting the industry.

The magazine is mailed to members bimonthly. If you are a member and not receiving Stop Watchsubmit a request to be added to the mailing list. Not a memberJoin today or submit a request to receive additional information.

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