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EPA Finalizes 2014-2016 RFS Requirements


The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) on Nov. 30 issued the final volumetric requirements under the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) for 2014 through 2016. EPA also released a 2017 standard for biomass-based diesel.

ºÚÁÏÉçÇøwill issue an in-depth analysis of the numbers in the coming days. 

The volumes include reductions from the statutory standards in the original 2007 Energy Independence & Security Act but mark an increase from the EPA proposal earlier this year, reflecting an increase in fuel demand. The final 2016 standard for advanced biofuel is nearly 1 billion gallons, or 35 percent, higher than the actual 2014 volumes. Biodiesel standards grow steadily over the next several years, increasing every year to reach 2 billion gallons by 2017.

The 2014 RFS would require:

  • Cellulosic biofuels (33 million gallons, .019 percent)
  • Biomass-based diesel (1.63 billion gallons, 1.41 percent)
  • Advanced biofuels (2.67 billion gallons, 1.51 percent)
  • Renewable fuel (16.28 billion gallons, 9.19 percent)

The 2015 RFS would require:

  • Cellulosic biofuels (123 million gallons, .069 percent)
  • Bio-mass based diesel (1.73 billion gallons, 1.49 percent)
  • Advanced biofuels (2.88 billion gallons, 1.62 percent)
  • Renewable fuel (16.93 billion gallons, 9.52 percent)

The 2016 RFS would require:

  • Cellulosic biofuels (230 million gallons, 0.128 percent)
  • Bio-mass based diesel (1.90 billion gallons, 1.59 percent)
  • Advanced biofuel (3.61 billion gallons, 2.01 percent)
  • Renewable fuel (18.11 billion gallons, 10.10 percent)

Additionally, for 2017, EPA is proposing 2.00 billion gallons for biomass-based diesel.

EPA had agreed to issue its final rule establishing the volumes for 2014 and 2015 by Nov. 30 under a consent decree that settled a lawsuit over EPA’s failure to meet Congressionally mandated RFS deadlines.


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