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EPA Issues Draft Guidelines on Release Detection at High Throughput Facilities


The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has issued draft guidelines on release detection at high throughput underground storage tank facilities.  

EPA began developing its release detection manual last year in conjunction with nine industry stakeholders including ºÚÁÏÉçÇømembers. At the time, EPA said the top five industry concerns focused on long piping runs, satellite dispensers, manifolding, lack of system quiet time and deep submersible turbine pump burials.

ºÚÁÏÉçÇøcurrently is reviewing the draft guidelines and plans to submit comments by the Dec. 2 deadline.

Concurrently, EPA has issued a Summary Report of Dispenser Activity for Diesel and Unlead systems, prepared by Warren Rogers Associates.

This report provides summary statistics on line leak detector test opportunities for randomly selected diesel and unlead gasoline systems at retail petroleum facilities. 

The primary purpose of this study was to identify the frequency of submersible turbine pump (“STP”) activations when 3 gallon per hour tests could be conducted and to identify the maximum duration that the diesel and unlead systems were not active, thereby providing a monitoring opportunity for electronic line leak detectors to perform a 0.20 or 0.10 gallon per hour test.


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