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EPA Opens Public Comment Period on E-15 Collection Request


The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is seeking public comment on a proposed information collection request regarding several recordkeeping and reporting items associated with the agency’s rule that allows the sale of gasoline blends containing 15 percent ethanol or E-15.

In a Federal Register notice published March 24, EPA opened a 60-day comment period on its planned information collection request that closes May 26.

Once finalized, EPA expects to issue more than 2,100 information collection requests. Fuel retailers who receive them will be required to respond.

EPA in 2010 issued a partial waiver that allows for the use of E-15 in vehicles manufactured during or after model year 2007. In 2011, EPA expanded authorized use of E15 to include model year 2001 and later vehicles.

EPA issued a new requirements for pumps that dispense both E-10 and E-15 through a single hose in efforts to prevent misfueling of E-15 blends into non-road vehicles and engines that require E-10 or lower blends.

The rule also requires all E-15 gasoline fuel dispensers to have a specific label when a retail station or wholesale-purchaser consumer chooses to sell E-15. In addition, the rule requires that product transfer documents (PTDs) specifying ethanol content and Reid Vapor Pressure (RVP) accompany the transfer of gasoline blended with ethanol, and a survey of retail stations to ensure compliance with these requirements.

Comments can be submitted online at Regulations.gov under Docket ID No. EPA-HQ-OAR-2015-0202, or by email or mail. Additional information on how to submit comments is available on the


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