Articles & News » Fuel Resources/Trucking

EPA Proposes Adding Fuels Made From Landfill Biogas to Renewable Fuel Standard


A proposed U.S. EPA rule would greatly expand the number of advanced fuels that would be eligible to generate RINs. Responding to petitions from renewable fuel producers, EPA has proposed allowing renewable diesel, renewable naphtha, and renewable electricity (used in electric vehicles) produced from landfill gas to generate RINs under the federal renewable fuel standard. Also proposed to generate RINs are renewable compressed natural gas and liquefied natural gas produced from landfill biogas. To be eligible, the landfill biogas must produce 60 percent fewer greenhouse gas emissions over its lifecycle as compared to gasoline.

EPA is also proposing that advanced butanol could be commingled with ethanol.

The proposed rule also makes changes to the ULSD survey requirements by reducing the number of samples that must be collected and contains other technical amendments to the renewable fuel standard, including clarifying the labeling requirements for E15 in an effort to reduce misfueling.

EPA will accept comments on the proposed rule for 30 days after it is published in the Federal Register. Comments can be made at and should reference Docket ID No. EPA-HQ-OAR-2012-0401. For More Information, EPA’s proposed rule is available .



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