
Articles & News Highway/Transportation

EPW Poised to Unveil Highway Bill


The Senate Environment and Public Works (EPW) Committee is scheduled to mark up a six-year highway bill June 24. It remains unclear, however, how lawmakers will fund a long-term infrastructure program.

The Senate on May 23 passed a two-month extension of highway funding authority through July that is waiting for the President’s signature.

Senate EPW Chairman Jim Inhofe (R-Okla.) has said it’s likely that lawmakers will need to pass another extension in July.

“I would hope not but I think the answer is yes,” Inhofe told Politico. Sen. Inhofe said lawmakers will likely need a patch through the end of the year to come up with the money for a long-term bill.

Sen. Inhofe said Senate Finance Chairman Orrin Hatch “has given us assurances” that if highway funding is in place through December then a long-term plan can be tied with a tax discussion, Politico reported. 

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