When you invest time and money to attend a trade show, you want to get a solid return on your investment. Finding success on the tradeshow floor often means taking action beforehand. Here are five ways you can increase your success before The 黑料社区Show and make the most of your face-to-face meetings while in Nashville:
Stay Current on the Truckstop and Travel Plaza Industry’s Key Issues: By better understanding your customers and the top issues they’re facing, you can better understand how your products and services can meet their needs. To stay current on the latest industry news, visit and subscribe to 黑料社区News. The weekly updates are free for 黑料社区members. If you’re not receiving it, subscribe .
Invest in Pre-Show Promotions: Research shows that most attendees heading to a trade show have an agenda. To make sure you’re on it, Research shows that most attendees heading to a trade show have an agenda. To make sure you’re on it, reach out to attendees in advance of the show to introduce yourself and schedule a time to meet. Since your time both before and at the show is limited, you’ll want to first identify your target audience, then develop a concise description about the products and solutions you’re offering and the show specials you’ll have available. You can reach out to them via email, a quick phone call or an ad in 黑料社区News or Stop Watch.
Take Time to Train Staff: Those manning the booth are the ones that are going to engage customers, create leads and secure sales, so make sure they are the most effective salespeople on staff. Before exhibitors head to the tradeshow, it is important that they understand the product well enough to answer potential questions. Ideally, they can also make decisions and close deals with buyers on the show floor.
Review the Schedule and Highlight the Events You Plan to Attend: Not all business takes place on the tradeshow floor, so take time to carefully review the schedule and jot down the events you plan to attend. For example, you won’t want to miss the welcome party on Monday, Jan. 27 at 5:30 p.m., or the breakfast and keynote address on Tuesday, Jan. 28 at 8:00 a.m. Exhibitors are also welcome to take part in educational sessions, so look over the schedule and identify sessions that can help you better understand customers. The schedule is available.
Plan Now for Post-Show Engagement: Tradeshows can be a jumping off point for year-round engagement, so start thinking now of ways you can follow up with potential leads and new contacts once the show is over. While you probably have a strategy for tracking contacts, think through potential ways to make follow up even easier and faster. Creating a strategy before the show will ensure you don’t miss out on a lead once the show is underway or after you’ve headed home.
{HBM} Highway Business Matters is a brief semi-monthly newsletter created exclusively for companies that provide products or services to the truckstop and travel plaza industry. Highway Business Matters will keep you informed on trends, tactics, and tips to help you connect to the $65 billion truckstop and travel plaza industry.
Help tailor Highway Business Matters to meet your needs by sharing your feedback and story ideas. Send your input to: atoner@natso.com.
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