Limited time offerings (LTOs) are a different kind of “fresh” that are equally important in coffee.
LTOs build excitement and give customers a reason to visit often, as well as being a smart way to leverage trends in the industry.
Ideas for LTOs include:
- Pumpkin was the fastest growing coffee flavor in 2013 (Datassential MenuTrends 2013) and Pumpkin Spice coffee is a favorite fall LTO, meeting with success across markets.
- Health consciousness and sustainability awareness are both on the rise and make great opportunities for LTO tie-ins.
- French Vanilla and Hazelnut are leaders for creamer flavors, so it’s not surprising that these blends also make popular LTO coffee flavors.
/// S&D Coffee & Tea, in continuous operation since 1927, serves over 90,000 customers through national distribution and direct store delivery. Operators can learn more about the innovative beverage solutions that S&D Coffee & Tea offers by visiting the company website at or by contacting Jim Edmonson at
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