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Great Ideas Abound at Members’ Travel Centers


members’ locations are bursting with great ideas inside, outside and even in the restrooms. Here are four great ideas we’ve gathered from members.

Where: Mr. Gas Travel Center, Jerome, ID
Great Idea: Fabulous Restrooms
The message on the wall outside the restrooms at Mr. Gas Travel Center in Jerome, Idaho, says they are fabulous, and they are. In addition to being clean and very well lit, the restrooms are surrounded with quirky, brand- focused messaging.

Great Idea: Step-and-Repeat Wall
I had to share one more photo from Racine Petro in Racine, Wisconsin. The wall inside the doors at Racine Petro boldly, brightly says, “Welcome! We’re glad you’re here!” You may not expect a step-and repeat wall at a truckstop, but I think it is a great idea. A step and repeat wall encourages photos that then get shared online. People like to show off their travels on social media and this wall is a great way to encourage them to do it.


Great Idea: Store Merchandising
The merchandising at JP Travel Center in Jackson, Georgia, is perfect. It offers unusual items beautifully displayed. The shelves are fully stocked and artfully arranged. It looks like a perfect spot for both professional drivers and four-wheel travelers to find something that they can’t find somewhere else.


Where: Sprint Mart, Starkville, MS
Great Idea: Professional Drivers Welcome
What a way to welcome professional drivers! The innovative sign in the parking area at the Sprint Mart in Starkville, Mississippi, is sturdy and professional. It also sends the message to professional driver customers that they are welcome and important. Like the welcome sign at Racine Petro in Racine, Wisconsin, my guess is many drivers stop to take a photo in front of the sign to post to social media.


Have a Great Idea You Want to Submit?
Send a high-resolution picture of your location’s great idea and the story behind it to Amy Toner,  the Foundation's executive director, at

// This article was created for Stop Watch magazine, the magazine of the Foundation. The Foundation is the research, education and public outreach subsidiary of NATSO, Inc. The Foundation provides programs and products to strengthen travel plazas’ ability to meet the traveling public's needs through improved operational performance and business planning. Visit  for more information. (Donate to the Foundation here.)

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Amy Toner Executive Director
Amy Toner is the Executive Director of the Foundation. In this capacity, Toner spearheads the Foundation’s education, research and outreach activities. Toner serves as Editor of Stop Watch magazine, spearheads education and speaker selection for live events and hosts NATSO’s Podcast, The Truck Stops Here. She sets the knowledge strategy, education.

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