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Minnesota B-20 Mandate Reinstated


Beginning on July 1, 2018, all diesel sold in Minnesota must contain at least 20 percent biodiesel (B-20).

The B-20 requirement originally had gone into effect on May 1, 2018, but was suspended after the Minnesota Soybean Processors plant in Brewster, Minn., temporarily closed, reducing the state’s biodiesel production by 47 percent.  To meet the higher mandated blend levels, certain fuel retailers would have been required to transport biodiesel from more than 600 miles away during the biodiesel shortage. To that end, Minnesota’s Department of Commerce issued a waiver for B-20, allowing fuel retailers to sell B-10, or diesel that contains 10 percent biodiesel, through June 30, 2018. On July 1, 2018, however, the B-20 requirement goes back into effect.

Minnesota’s B-20 mandate is effective through September 2018. Thereafter, the biodiesel requirement will drop to a minimum of 5 percent from October through March of every year and increase to a minimum of 20 percent during the state’s “summer months” (April 1 – September 30).

In general, ºÚÁÏÉçÇøopposes government mandates on product sales. Trucking industry observers anticipate that many truck drivers will refuel in Wisconsin prior to entering Minnesota to avoid the B-20 mandate.

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