Articles & News » Fuel Resources/Trucking

Minnesota to Implement Biodiesel B20 Mandate May 1


Effective May 1, all diesel sold in Minnesota must contain at least 20 percent biodiesel as the state officially implements the B-20 mandate passed in 2008.

Once implemented, the B-20 mandate will be in effect during the state’s “summer months” of April through September. October through March, the biodiesel requirement will remain at 5 percent.

Originally scheduled to go into effect in 2015, the B-20 mandate had been delayed amid concerns from the trucking and petroleum industries regarding diesel engine gelling, clogged fuel and filter lines, availability and fuel mileage.

Gov. Dayton thinks these issues have been addressed for the summer months.

In general, ºÚÁÏÉçÇøopposes government mandates on product sales. Trucking industry observers anticipate that many truck drivers will refuel in Wisconsin prior to entering Minnesota to avoid the B-20 mandate.

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