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N.C. Coalition Applauds Gubernatorial Candidates’ Commitment to Keeping I-95 Toll Free



The North Carolina No Tolls I-95 Coalition, Inc., last week  former Charlotte Mayor Pat McCrory and Lieutenant Governor Walter Dalton for expressing their commitment to keeping Interstate 95 toll free during Tuesday night’s second gubernatorial debate. During the one-hour debate, the Republican and Democratic candidates for North Carolina’s governorship agreed the state must prioritize how it spends infrastructure revenues rather than pursuing new tolls on existing highways to make up for transportation funding shortfalls.

Ernie Brame, coalition chairman and general manager of Kenly95 Petro, applauded Mayor McCrory and Lt. Gov. Dalton for their debate stance and “commitment to keeping I-95 free of the double taxation of tolls,” saying it would allow businesses to move forward on a level playing field with the rest of North Carolina. 

Mayor McCrory criticized Gov. Beverly Perdue’s plan to toll I-95, calling it “very poor” and a “mistake.” Lt. Gov. Dalton added that tolls should be a funding mechanism of last resort and emphasized the need for alternatives to toll roads.

The No Tolls Coalition is  a seat on the state council that is studying the economic impact that tolls would have on the area.

Photo Credit: cozyta/


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