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ºÚÁÏÉçÇøComments On EPA’s Biodiesel RIN Quality Assurance Proposal


ºÚÁÏÉçÇøfiled comments last week in support of the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) proposed biofuel Quality Assurance Program. Following the discovery of more than 140 million fraudulently created biodiesel renewable fuel identification numbers (RINs) and the subsequent uncertainty in the RINs trading market, the agency has worked with industry stakeholders to create a voluntary quality assurance program aimed at helping to restore confidence in the biofuel marketplace. The proposed program helps to provide regulated parties a structured way to assure that RINs entering into commerce are valid and addresses several other issues relating to the treatment of invalid RINs.

NATSO’s comments specifically supported EPA’s proposal to help clarify the rules regarding the retirement of RINs when biodiesel is blended into heating oil and then exported, and the proposal to require full disclosure of biodiesel content in diesel fuel, even if such blends are believed to contain less than five percent biodiesel.  ºÚÁÏÉçÇøbelieves taking these steps will help create confidence in the biodiesel market and continued growth and acceptance of biodiesel in the marketplace.  Read the full comments .    



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