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ºÚÁÏÉçÇøElects 2013 Chairman of the Board


NATSO, the national trade association representing truckstops and travel plazas, today announced that it has named Tom Heinz, President of Heinz, Inc. and Coffee Cup Fuel Stops & Convenience Stores, as its 2013 Chairman of the Board.

Heinz, who succeeds Darrin Flitton as Chairman of the Board, has served on the ºÚÁÏÉçÇøBoard of Directors and as the ºÚÁÏÉçÇøFoundation Chairman of the Board. Coffee Cup Fuel Stops & Convenience Stores has been an active member in the organization for more than 20 years.

ºÚÁÏÉçÇøalso elected the following Board members to its 2013 Board of Directors: Chad Ingram, President, Garvin Oil Co. Inc., Wagener, S.C.; Don Quinn, President, Sapp Bros. Travel Centers Inc., Omaha, Neb.; Don Paddock, President, KSG Distributing Inc., Kaysville, Utah; and Robert Lake, Senior Vice President, Acquisitions and Business Development, Randall-Reilly Publishing Co. LLC, Tuscaloosa, Ala.

Heinz takes the helm of the ºÚÁÏÉçÇøBoard at a time when the truckstop and travel plaza industry is tackling such critically important issues as the future of highway funding and rising interchange fees. State governments are seeking new ways to generate revenues for transportation infrastructure, including increasing the motor fuels taxes and tolling.

“I look forward to tackling the challenges facing our industry in an effort to help all of my fellow business owners and operators to succeed,” Heinz said. “This is an exciting time in the truckstop and travel plaza industry, and I’m thrilled to serve as NATSO’s Chairman.”

Heinz’s 37 year business career has been in different segments of the petroleum industry. Tom’s primary business and day job began 31 years ago as co-founder/owner of .

Heinz received his Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, Master of Science in Human Resources, and Master of Business Administration from Beacom School of Business at the University of South Dakota.

Presently, Heinz serves on the University of South Dakota Foundation Board of Directors; Dakota Hospital Board of Directors; and is a member of David Nelson Petroleum Marketers 300 Study Group. He is the Immediate Past Chairman of the ºÚÁÏÉçÇøFoundation Board of Directors.

Flitton, Fleet and Truckstop Manager of the Gold Truckstop network for Sinclair Oil, now serves as Chairman of NATSO’s Steering Council Committee.

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Tiffany Wlazlowski Neuman
Wlazlowski Neuman leads ºÚÁÏÉçÇøand the ºÚÁÏÉçÇøFoundation’s public affairs initiatives and communications strategies to promote the truck stop and travel center industry to the public, opinion leaders, elected officials, and the media. Her outreach includes a spectrum of policy issues facing the industry, with a particular focus on transportation and fuel issues, truck parking, and human trafficking. She serves as NATSO’s representative on the U.S. Department of Transportation’s National Truck Parking Coalition, the Clean Freight Coalition, and various state truck parking technical advisory committees. She is the architect of the truck stop and travel center industry’s anti-human trafficking campaign and currently serves as a Committee member for the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Human Trafficking Advisory Council. Wlazlowski Neuman serves on the American Highway Users Policy and Government Affairs Committee.

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