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Urges Congress To Extend Biodiesel Tax Credit


NATSO, the national association representing truckstops and travel plazas, along with industry partners, today urged Congressional Leaders to act quickly to reinstate the biodiesel tax credit with an effective date of Jan. 1, 2010, to ensure a healthy biodiesel market for producers and consumers.

In a letter addressed to Senators Max Baucus (D-Mont.) and Charles Grassley (R-Iowa) and Representatives Sander Levin (D-MI) and Dave Camp (R-MI), urged lawmakers to quickly convene a conference on the American Worker, State and Business Relief Act of 2010 and to reinstate the tax credit that expired Dec. 31.

The National Association of Convenience Stores, the Petroleum Marketers Association of America and the Society of Independent Gasoline Marketers of America joined in signing the letter.

“The truckstop and travel plaza industry is fully engaged in supporting U.S. environmental efforts. Fuel retailers want to continue making investments in biodiesel infrastructure and want to continue selling biodiesel to customers,” said President and CEO Lisa Mullings. “But without this tax credit, they can’t do that. Congress imposed biodiesel production mandates to stimulate renewable fuel development. Without an extension of the tax credit, the production mandate is meaningless and consumer demand for the product erodes.” 

Since the biodiesel tax credit expired, U.S. biodiesel production has plummeted by more than 80 percent.  At the same time, motorists are changing buying habits as the price of biodiesel surpasses other fuels. The $1 per gallon blender tax credit makes biodiesel cost competitive with conventional diesel fuel. The expiration of the tax credit, coupled with sagging consumer demand, has caused many producers to shut down or severely scale back production. 

Furthermore, failure to reinstate the tax credit could force fuel blenders and producers to lay off employees or push them into failure. When the tax credit expired, many fuel blenders and producers continued to pass the $1/per gallon credit on to customers based on an assurance that the credit would not lapse and would cover all of 2010.

Extending the tax credit will increase biodiesel production while spurring retail investment in the infrastructure necessary to supply biodiesel to commercial carriers and the motoring public.

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Tiffany Wlazlowski Neuman
Wlazlowski Neuman leads and the Foundation’s public affairs initiatives and communications strategies to promote the truck stop and travel center industry to the public, opinion leaders, elected officials, and the media. Her outreach includes a spectrum of policy issues facing the industry, with a particular focus on transportation and fuel issues, truck parking, and human trafficking. She serves as NATSO’s representative on the U.S. Department of Transportation’s National Truck Parking Coalition, the Clean Freight Coalition, and various state truck parking technical advisory committees. She is the architect of the truck stop and travel center industry’s anti-human trafficking campaign and currently serves as a Committee member for the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Human Trafficking Advisory Council. Wlazlowski Neuman serves on the American Highway Users Policy and Government Affairs Committee.

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