
Articles & News Highway/Transportation

Ohio DOT Announces Plans to Modernize Rest Areas



Ira Wexler/NATSO

Despite the fact that Ohio says it is $50 million short on funds to operate its rest areas, the Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT) last week announced to modernize East and Westbound rest areas along U.S. 33 in Meigs County. The project is scheduled to go to bid this summer, and ODOT said it hopes to have the work completed by late fall. 

A total of 44 rest areas in the state were scheduled for upgrades beginning in November 2010, including one along U.S. 50 in Athens County, the two along U.S. 33 in Hocking County and one along Ohio 7 in Gallia County. Ohio Representatives Steve LaTourette (R) and Dennis Kucinich (D) have introduced an amendment to the highway bill seeking to allow commercial rest areas both on and off interstate highways.

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