Articles & News » Fuel Resources/Trucking

PHMSA Reduces HAZMAT Fees; Increases Fines


The U.S. Department of Transportation’s Pipeline and Hazardous Material Safety Administration (PHMSA) issued two rulemakings last week of importance to fuel haulers.

First, DOT issued a  that temporarily reduces the annual HAZMAT fee paid to fuel haulers in both intrastate and interstate transportation.

Specifically, PHMSA is reducing the 2013-2014 HAZMAT registration fee for small business registrants to $125 plus a $25 processing fee. For all other businesses, the 2013-2014 registration fee is reduced to $1,300 plus a $25 processing fee. The fee reduction is effective for the 2013-2014 registration year only. After the 2013-2014 registration year, the annual HAZMAT fees will return to $275 for small businesses and $2,575 for all other businesses.

PHMSA will issue a refund to those who have already prepaid their 2013-2014 registration through the multiyear registration option available to all registrants. PHMSA intends to send a letter to all those who prepaid for the 2013-2014 registration year explaining the process necessary to collect the refund.

PHMSA said the fee reduction is necessary due to an accumulation of unexpended funds beyond the statutory maximum amount the agency is allowed to collect through HAZMAT registration.

In a separate rulemaking, DOT increased the  for a knowing violation of the federal hazardous materials transportation regulations. The increase was mandated last July by Congress under the highway bill “Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century Act” (Map-21), and is retroactive to October 1, 2012, the date MAP-21 became effective.



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