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Second International Study Tour Planned



Lisa Mullings/NATSO

The second International Study Tour provided through is coming soon on Sept. 24 – 28 and will take participants to Norway, London and Paris. This unique event brings the industry together and offers convenience and gas retailers from around the world a unique look into best practices in the advanced European market. The program combines presentations, exhibitions, video interviews and store visits to the most innovative retail and petroleum formats. The 2012 tour begins in Oslo, Norway, with hosted retail study tours followed by the ‘’ conference and exhibition in London. The study tour ends with an optional trip to Paris for a day of hosted retail visits.

Last September, members visited Ireland and London. All of the participants shared their experience with Stop Watch magazine, in an article that can be found online here. Participants universally shared that the tour was a worthwhile experience. As Robin Puthusseril of Greater Chicago I-55 explained, “What stands out most from the trip was the opportunity to learn, think, be creative and be inspired by all that I saw and experienced.”

members should register through to receive the member discounted rate of GBP 1680 (estimated $2,665). For additional information and questions, contact Darren Schulte at or (703) 739-8562.

Read the full article on NATSO’s last International Study here.

See pictures from the experience on .

Details including recommended hotels, flights and the full itinerary will be available here soon.


This article originally ran in News Weekly (NNW). NNW, NATSO’s electronic newsletter, is packed with the latest updates on government and business issues affecting the truckstop and travel plaza industry. Every Monday it is emailed to members only. 

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