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Shuster Confirmed as T&I Chairman, Rahall Ranking Member, and Committee Roster Finalized


The 113th Congress was sworn into office last week on January 3 and as lawmakers settled in to their new offices both parties confirmed committee assignments within their caucuses. As thought, Republicans officially confirmed Rep. Bill Shuster (R-Penn.) as Chairman of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, and Democrats confirmed Nick Rahall (D-WV) as ranking member. Following Shuster’s confirmation, he vowed to make transportation a high priority in the upcoming 113th Congress. In an op-ed published in Roll Call, Shuster said transportation is important because it is “about people and how they live their lives. How they get to work; get their children to school; go to stores to buy food, clothing and other necessities; and how they visit family and friends.” During the 113th Congress, Shuster plans to take on an array of issues across all modes of transportation, namely starting hearings on the next highway bill which will need to be passed in 2014. 

In addition to Chairman Shuster and Ranking Democrat Nick Rahall the rest of the committee roster is as follows: 

Republican – Reps. Don Young (AK), Thomas E. Petri (WI), Howard Coble (NC), John J. Duncan, Jr. (TN), John L. Mica (FL), Frank A. LoBiondo (NJ), Gary Miller (CA), Sam Graves (MO), Shelley Moore Capito (WV), Candice Miller (MI), Duncan Hunter (CA), Andy Harris (MD), Rick Crawford (AR), Lou Barletta (PA), Blake Farenthold (TX), Larry Bucshon (IN), Bob Gibbs (OH), Patrick Meehan (PA), Richard Hanna (NY), Daniel Webster (FL), Steve Southerland (FL), Jeff Denham (CA), Reid Ribble (WI), Thomas Massie (KY), Steve Daines (MT), Tom Rice (SC), Markwayne Mullin (OK), Roger Williams (TX), Trey Radel (FL), Mark Meadows (NC), Scott Perry (PA), Rodney Davis (IL). 

Democrat – Reps. Peter A. DeFazio (OR), Eleanor Holmes Norton (DC), Jerrold Nadler (NY), Corrine Brown (FL), Eddie Bernice Johnson (TX), Elijah E. Cummings (MD), Rick Larsen (WA), Michael E. Capuano (MA), Timothy H. Bishop (NY), Michael H. Michaud (ME), Grace F. Napolitano (CA), Daniel Lipinski (IL), Timothy J. Walz (MN), Steve Cohen (TN), Albio Sires (NJ), Donna F. Edwards (MD), John Garamendi (CA), André Carson (IN), Janice Hahn (CA), Rick Nolan (MN), Ann Kirkpatrick (AZ), Dina Titus (NV), Sean Patrick Maloney (NY), Elizabeth Esty (CT), Lois Frankel (FL), Cheri Bustos (IL).



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