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02-02-2017 by NATSO House Transportation Committee Holds Hearing on Infrastructure Policy, Funding

In the first of what will surely be many Congressional hearings on highway policy this year, the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee heard from executives at FedEx, Cargill, BMW, and Vermeer Corp., as well as the AFL-CIO. The hearing was widely bipartisan, and lawmakers called it a good first step in the process of developing a massive infrastructure plan. But it remains clear that Congress and the White House still have a long way to go before they can agree on a viable path forward to raise the necessary revenue to improve the nation’s transportation system.

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04-03-2016 by NATSO Tolls Hurt Working Class; Kill All-American Road Trip

The Vermont Sun Eagle recently threw its support behind efforts to limit tolling on existing interstates when Editor Louis Varricchio penned an editorial highlighting the negative effects of tolls on the traveling public and the public鈥檚 desire for an alternative to tolling.

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03-28-2016 by NATSO States Continue to Eye Tolling

Although Congress passed a 5-year highway bill in late 2015, state departments of transportation (DOTs) continue searching for ways to increase highway investment. Several states are exploring tolling options on interstate highways as a possible funding mechanism.

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11-16-2015 by NATSO Lawmakers Prepare to Conference Highway Bill

The House of Representatives returns from a week-long recess today and is expected to begin negotiating a six-year highway bill with the Senate in an effort to finalize an agreement on a multi-year highway bill by Nov. 20, when current spending authority on the Highway Trust Fund expires.

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10-21-2015 by NATSO Coalition Urges Congress to Reject Tolling Amendments

The Alliance for Toll-Free Interstates urged members of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee to reject any amendments to the its multi-year highway bill that would expand the federal tolling pilot program or divert revenue away from the toll road on which it was collected during today鈥檚 mark up.


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