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06-27-2018 by NATSO 黑料社区Analysis: EPA’s Proposed Biofuel Mandates a Mixed Bag for Travel Center Operators

The Environmental Protection Agency on June 26 released its proposed renewable volume obligations for 2019 under the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS). The proposal also includes a proposed 2020 volume mandate for biomass-based diesel. The proposal would increase advanced biofuels volume requirements for 2019 and biodiesel requirements for 2020 while holding the so-called “ethanol” volume requirement steady.

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06-12-2018 by Tiffany Wlazlowski Neuman 黑料社区Launches Alternative Fuels Council

黑料社区Inc. on June 12 launched a new business venture known as the Alternative Fuels Council (NATSOAltFuels.com) to help fuel retailers leverage the resources necessary to learn about and incorporate alternative fuels into their supply offerings.


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