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06-26-2018 by NATSO American Express Prevails in Supreme Court Case

The U.S. Supreme Court on June 25 handed down a decision in the case of Ohio v. American Express, ruling that American Express did not violate the Sherman Antitrust Act. The decision comes after a long battle that started in 2010 when the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ), in conjunction with several state attorneys general, brought the case against Visa, Mastercard and American Express arguing that the rules promulgated by the card networks preventing merchants from offering discounts were a violation of antitrust laws.

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10-16-2017 by NATSO Supreme Court to Hear American Express Antitrust Case

The U.S. Supreme Court said Oct. 16 that it will hear an antitrust case examining American Express鈥檚 rules that bar merchants from encouraging customers to use one credit card over another, a practice known as “steering.” The decision offers new hope to retailers who for years have argued that American Express鈥檚 merchant agreements violate antitrust laws and result in higher costs for consumers.

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08-05-2015 by NATSO Judge Throws Out Amex Settlement With Merchants

A federal judge rejected a settlement between American Express and merchants over credit card fees after discovering that the merchants’ lawyer inappropriately communicated privileged details of the case with an attorney for MasterCard. The decision, which could have ripple effects for another settlement agreement between many of the same merchants and MasterCard and Visa, means that the merchants and Amex will have to renegotiate the deal or possibly go to trial.


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