Special driver appreciation events honor the 3.4 million professional truck drivers in the United States.
07-01-2012Nearly every major trucking fleet is adding natural gas trucks to their fleets to test along some of their routes.
06-26-2012ATA’s seasonally adjusted for-hire truck tonnage index decreased 0.7 percent in May after falling 1.1 percent in April.
06-25-2012A provision in S.1813 would require all long-haul trucks to be outfitted with EOBRs capable of real-time tracking for monitoring of trucks and drivers.
05-14-2012ATAs’ advanced seasonally adjusted for-hire truck tonnage index rose 0.2 percent in March after increasing 0.5 percent in February.
04-30-2012The 2012 edition of the ATA “American Trucking Trends” shows that trucking continues to be the dominant mode of freight transportation and an integral part of the U.S. economy.
04-23-2012The turnover rate for truck drivers at large truckload fleets unexpectedly dipped one percentage point.
04-16-2012Truck tonnage increases 5.8 percent for all of 2011, matching gains in 2010, according to the ATA
03-05-2012Industry groups representing file lawsuits in recent days challenging the FMCSA December rule on work and rest regulations for commercial truck drivers
02-27-2012GDP increased at an annual rate of 2.8 percent in the fourth quarter of 2011.
02-06-2012The American Trucking Associations’ (ATA) seasonally adjusted truck tonnage rose 6.8 percent in December.