The House of Representatives returns from a week-long recess today and is expected to begin negotiating a six-year highway bill with the Senate in an effort to finalize an agreement on a multi-year highway bill by Nov. 20, when current spending authority on the Highway Trust Fund expires.
11-16-2015With the clock ticking down on the expiration of current highway law, Senators Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.) and Tom Carper (D-Del.) on May 14 proposed a two-month extension into July. The proposal also calls on Congress to finish a multi-year transportation bill.
05-15-2015Although a short-term patch to the current highway bill is expected soon, Senate Republicans continue to disagree over how to fund an extension and how long it should last.
05-08-2015Senate Environment and Public Works Committee leaders Jim Inhofe (R-Okla.) and Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.) said they are finishing up work on a five or six-year highway bill, Politico reported.
05-07-2015Members of the House and Senate introduced several pieces of legislation aimed at shoring up the dwindling Highway Trust Fund before current highway law expires May 31.