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10-08-2015 by NATSO House T&I To Consider Highway Bill Soon

House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee Chairman Bill Shuster (R-Pa.) said the committee expects to markup a highway bill the last week of October, when the latest extension to highway funding law is set to expire.

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05-15-2015 by NATSO Lawmakers Propose Short-Term Highway Patch

With the clock ticking down on the expiration of current highway law, Senators Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.) and Tom Carper (D-Del.) on May 14 proposed a two-month extension into July. The proposal also calls on Congress to finish a multi-year transportation bill.

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04-10-2015 by NATSO House T&I Chairman Says Fuel Tax Increase Impossible

House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee Chairman Bill Shuster (R.-Pa.) said Congress will get a long-term highway bill done this year but not before current highway funding expires at the end of May, according to published reports. Rep. Shuster also said that raising the gas tax to pay for a long-term bill would be impossible.

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03-20-2015 by NATSO House T&I Chairman Reaffirms Opposition to Fuel Tax Increase

House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee Chairman Bill Shuster (R-Pa.) reaffirmed his opposition to increasing the motor fuels tax as a means of funding surface transportation, but said lawmakers must identify a funding mechanism by Easter recess if they want to pass a long-term bill before current law expires May 31.

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02-11-2015 by NATSO House Opens Highway Bill Debate

Transportation Secretary Anthony Foxx urged lawmakers to pass a long-term measure to boost U.S. infrastructure spending Feb. 11 at a hearing kicking off House discussions of the highway bill.


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