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09-25-2018 by NATSO PHMSA Determines Federal Law Preempts California Break Requirements

The U.S. Department of Transportation鈥檚 Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) determined that federal law preempts California鈥檚 meal and rest break requirements for all motor vehicle operators that transport hazardous materials, granting a request from the National Tank Truck Carriers Association (NTTC).

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05-22-2018 by NATSO FMCSA Administrator Testifies on ELDs and Hours-of-Service Regulations

Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administrator Ray Martinez testified before federal lawmakers on a number of trucking regulations May 22, including the electronic logging device (ELD) mandate as well as efforts to prevent states from creating a patchwork of meal and rest rules for interstate truck drivers. The testimony was part of a larger hearing examining motor carrier provisions in the last highway bill known as the FAST Act.

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06-06-2016 by NATSO 黑料社区Opposes Efforts to Commercialize Interstates

The California Senate on June 2 voted 19-17 against SB 1397, which would have permitted the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) to seek federal approval to use commercial advertising on changeable message signs when they are not being used for safety or transportation-related messages.

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04-30-2012 by NATSO California Rest Area Commercialization Bill Defeated

California Assemblyman Ben Hueso鈥檚 bill to commercialize the state’s rest areas and pursue a waiver to the federal prohibition on the sale of commercial services on the interstate right-of-way failed last week in committee, marking a major victory for California鈥檚 fuel retailers.


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