Any time is a great time to show your appreciation to your customers, but Thanksgiving makes a naturally perfect occasion to tell them Thanks.
10-16-2014The holiday season is the perfect time to give back to your customers and the community. Spread the good cheer to create a winning situation for everyone!
Consider partnering with a well-known charity close to your own heart, perhaps offering a percent of all hot beverage sales donated to United Way, Red Cross or the American Heart Association.
10-09-2014The holidays are a veritable feast for many consumers, from indulgent treats and classic family traditions to modern alternative twists. Help your customers celebrate with new flavors of existing products and exclusive holiday-only offerings.
10-02-2014Text, tweet, post, blog! Social media is an inexpensive, flexible and easily traceable way to expand awareness and target the modern consumer. Most travelers today are equipped with laptops and minis and tablets and phones, and the growing millennial market is technically savvy and ever-connected.
09-25-2014When deciding whether to use an offer with a free giveaway versus one with a discount, the key is to closely define your goal. Free promotions are ideal for driving traffic, which can increase overall sales volume, and for enticing trials of new or unusual products. 鈥淔ree鈥 will often also generate excitement and buzz, acting to increase awareness as the word spreads. Giveaway items can also be used for the purpose of cementing customer loyalty to secure future business.
09-18-2014BOGO (or 鈥渂uy-one-get-one鈥) is a proven tactic to increase traffic and can also introduce new users when customers share with a friend. A snack combo, such as strategically pairing a refreshing beverage with a tasty treat, can be used to increase movement of a specific product.
09-11-2014Club or member cards are still one of the most popular and efficient promotion mechanisms in the market today.
09-04-2014Two-thirds of consumers agree that coffee helps them to improve their mental focus and helps them get things done.
08-28-2014Top consumer need states, what motivates consumers to purchase, include personal loyalty, price sensitivity and as a treat. Of these top three, price was the only one to grow in importance from 2012 to 2013.
08-21-2014Comedian Jerry Seinfield visit’s Flynn’s Truck Plaza.
08-20-2014Both the Northeast and South regions are heavy coffee consumers, with approximately 30% of the servings share each. The Central and West regions hold about 20% market share each.