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09-25-2015 by NATSO ºÚÁÏÉçÇøJoins Industry Group in Supporting DGE for Natural Gas

ºÚÁÏÉçÇøjoined stakeholders representing the natural gas industry, fuel retailing groups and the trucking industry in urging the National Conference on Weights and Measures (NCWM) to support the diesel gallon equivalent (DGE) standard for liquefied and compressed natural gas sales and retain the DGE standard as a voting issue on its upcoming fall agenda.

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07-27-2015 by NATSO NCWM Rejects Tighter Diesel Dispenser Filter Proposal

The National Conference on Weights and Measures (NCWM) held its annual meeting last week in Philadelphia, during which it considered two topics of particular interest to ºÚÁÏÉçÇømembers: a proposal to tighten diesel dispenser filtration requirements for dispensers with a flow rate of less than 15 gallons per minute, and a proposal to create an official diesel gallon equivalent (DGE) method of sale for Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) and Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG).

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07-21-2014 by NATSO NCWM Votes Down Diesel Dispenser Filter and DGE Proposals

The National Conference on Weights and Measures (NCWM) took up several proposals of importance to truckstops and travel plazas at its annual meeting in Detroit, Mich., including items pertaining to diesel dispenser filter requirements and a proposal to create a diesel gallon equivalent (DGE) method of sale for compressed and liquefied natural gas.

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07-01-2014 by NATSO Sapp Bros. Adds Natural Gas

Sapp Bros.’ first location opened on June 7, 1971, in Omaha, Neb. Today there are 16 travel centers located in eight states. F rom the beginning, the company has always embraced new ideas and technology that would improve its offerings and better meet its customers’ needs. With this focus in mind, this year they added natural gas to one location in Lincoln, Neb., and are working on installing the second in Columbus, Neb. They are contemplating adding two more this year.

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02-28-2014 by NATSO Legislation Would Boost Trucking’s Use of Natural Gas

Encouraging the use of natural gas by the trucking industry is a growing priority with some lawmakers on Capitol Hill. In recent weeks, Rep. Sam Graves (R-Mo.) and Rep. Lee Terry (R-Neb.) introduced three separate pieces of legislation aimed at removing barriers for the trucking industry to access and utilize natural gas.

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08-07-2013 by NATSO Transportation and Logistics Industry Executives Join Together to Promote Natural Gas Vehicles

Carriers, shippers and fuel distributors said they are working together to increase the number of natural gas Class 8 vehicles on the road and the number of CNG and LNG fueling locations nationwide. Industry executives made the comments while speaking at a natural gas symposium in Park City, Utah. Salt Lake City-based refrigerated carrier C.R. England hosted the event.

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04-10-2013 by NATSO Diesel to Remain the Leading Fuel for Trucking

Diesel fuel will remain the primary fuel the trucking industry uses for decades to come, according to a two-year study on the future of alternative fuels conducted by the National Petroleum Council. The U.S. Secretary of Energy requested the study, which looked at a range of alternative-fuel options alongside traditional diesel and gasoline.


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