With the Trump Administration considering a $1 trillion infrastructure package that relies heavily on private dollars, governors, legislatures and transportation officials across the country already are laying the groundwork for new tolls.
03-28-2017Fuel retailers in Connecticut and Massachusetts now can join the growing list of gas stations across the nation disconnecting their Stage II vapor recovery systems.
07-08-2013U.S. Senators Michael Bennett (D-Colo.) and Richard Burr (R-N.C.) have introduced legislation that would require that liquefied natural gas (LNG) for transportation fuel be taxed based on energy output and not by the gallon equivalent.
06-17-2013New bipartisan legislation in the U.S. Congress seeks to amend the Internal Revenue Code to change the way liquified natural gas is taxed, from a volume (gallon) to an energy content (diesel gallon equivalent) basis.
06-05-2013At least 18 state legislatures have either passed tax increases this year to fund infrastructure or are considering it.
06-03-2013EPA in consultation with the U.S. Department of Energy has issued a waiver for reformulated gasoline (RFG) in 16 states and the District of Columbia to prevent disruptions of the supply of RFG in the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy.