The development of U.S. shale resources will create a surge in North American oil production, making North America a larger contributor of new oil supplies than the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) by 2018, according to the International Energy Agency.
05-20-2013Tom Kloza, the chief analyst at the Oil Price Information Service, said a concentration of crude from Canada, down through North Dakota, Missouri and West Texas is creating opportunities for local refineries, resulting in lower prices in some markets.
01-14-2013The International Energy Agency said the U.S. will become the world’s top producer of oil by 2020, a net exporter of oil around 2030 and nearly self-sufficient in energy by 2035 due to a boost in oil, shale gas and bioenergy production in the country.
11-19-2012Oil firms are set to bounce back quickly from Hurricane Sandy.
10-31-2012U.S. production of crude and other liquid hydrocarbons is on track to rise seven percent this year.
10-29-2012EPA and NHTSA last week finalized their rule aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions and improving fuel economy for light-duty vehicles for model years 2017 and beyond.
10-22-2012Worldwide supply and demand indicate higher fuel prices in 2011.