Dwindling resources in the Highway Trust Fund could delay reimbursements to states, threatening jobs and infrastructure projects nationwide by summer, a Department of Transportation official told lawmakers March 12.
03-13-2014A group of four Republicans is urging Department of Transportation Secretary Anthony Foxx to set a firm date for finishing a field study on the newly revised 34-hour restart provision in the hours-of-service rule.
08-26-2013Forty-five members of Congress have urged the Department of Transportation (DOT) to carefully consider the impacts that changes to truck size-and-weight limits would have on local roads and bridges.
08-12-2013The Washington State Department of Transportation is seeking to toll Interstate 90. But already Congressman Dave Reichert (R-Wash.) is questioning the authority of the federal government to authorize such a plan.
07-15-2013The U.S. Department of Transportation’s Pipeline and Hazardous Material Safety Administration (PHMSA) issued two rulemakings last week of importance to fuel haulers.
04-29-2013The Transportation Industry Mobility and Technology Coalition and the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) will sponsor a free webinar on truck parking issues and innovative ways to address them.
11-19-2012The U.S. Transportation Department has agreed to revise its Compliance, Safety, and Accountability (CSA) program, including re-evaluating the relationship between carrier safety scores and crash risks.
10-29-2012Interstate 95 tolling opposition gained significant media attention in recent days.
10-15-2012The DOT and the EPA issued new automobile fuel economy standards that reportedly will lower costs at the gas pump by $1.7 trillion and reduce U.S. oil consumption by 12 billion barrels by 2025.
09-10-2012ATA has urged the Department of Transportation (DOT) to start conducting a rulemaking to mandate electronic logging devices.
08-20-2012The nationwide rollout of Comprehensive Safety Analysis (CSA) 2010 is underway, and it is changing the way fleets approach their maintenance. Under the new government-mandated system, violations found at roadside that didn鈥檛 accrue points in the past will count. As a result, it is likely that carriers will no longer wait until a truck returns to its terminal to take care of maintenance, which will boost over-the-road repairs.