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05-23-2016 by NATSO Department of Labor Announces New Rules for Overtime Pay

On May 17 the Department of Labor (DOL) released a final rule governing overtime pay under the Fair Labor Standards Act. Although the Final Rule improves upon the proposed rule, incorporating a number of NATSO’s comments to DOL, it nonetheless includes a significant increase to the overtime salary threshold, and includes automatic increases in the future. This will present considerable challenges to employees and employers alike.

黑料社区is still analyzing the more than 500 page rule, and will provide a detailed summary and compliance guide in the coming days.

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03-18-2016 by NATSO Labor Issues Update: Key Developments on Overtime, Joint Employer Issues

There were several important developments the week of March 14 on two labor issues that are critical to 黑料社区members: Efforts to expand the universe of employees entitled to overtime pay; and the joint employer issue, which could expose companies to legal liability for how their subcontractors, staffing agencies, and franchisees treat their employees.

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02-19-2016 by NATSO Congressmen Urge DOL to Reconsider Expanded Overtime Eligibility

More than 100 members of the U.S. House of Representatives asked Labor Secretary Thomas Perez to reconsider the Department of Labor鈥檚 proposed regulation to expand overtime eligibility arguing that the one-size fits all rule would adversely affect employers and hurt the nation鈥檚 workers instead of helping them.


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