The Senate Environment and Public Works (EPW) Committee is scheduled to mark up a six-year highway bill June 24. It remains unclear, however, where how lawmakers will fund a long-term infrastructure program.
05-27-2015The U.S. House of Representatives voted 387-35 late May 19 to extend Highway Trust Fund financing for two months through the end of July.
05-20-2015With the clock ticking down on the expiration of current highway law, Senators Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.) and Tom Carper (D-Del.) on May 14 proposed a two-month extension into July. The proposal also calls on Congress to finish a multi-year transportation bill.
05-15-2015Although a short-term patch to the current highway bill is expected soon, Senate Republicans continue to disagree over how to fund an extension and how long it should last.
05-08-2015Senate Environment and Public Works Committee leaders Jim Inhofe (R-Okla.) and Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.) said they are finishing up work on a five or six-year highway bill, Politico reported.
05-07-2015Sens. Ron Wyden (D-Ore.) and John Hoeven (R-N.D.) on May 3 introduced a measure that would expand the use of tax-exempt bonds and create a new tax credit aimed at increasing private investment in public infrastructure projects.
05-06-2015House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Paul Ryan (R-Wisc.) said lawmakers are working on a $10 billion short-term extension to the Highway Trust Fund to keep it solvent through the end of this year.
05-01-2015With just six weeks remaining until current highway law expires, two U.S. Representatives joined stakeholders in urging Congress to pass a highway reauthorization bill that includes dedicated funding for freight infrastructure.
04-23-2015Members of the House and Senate introduced several pieces of legislation aimed at shoring up the dwindling Highway Trust Fund before current highway law expires May 31.
04-17-2015黑料社区filed comments April 15 with the Senate Finance Committee in response to the committee鈥檚 call for stakeholder and public input on how best to overhaul the nation鈥檚 tax code.
04-16-2015House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee Chairman Bill Shuster (R.-Pa.) said Congress will get a long-term highway bill done this year but not before current highway funding expires at the end of May, according to published reports. Rep. Shuster also said that raising the gas tax to pay for a long-term bill would be impossible.