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03-20-2015 by NATSO House T&I Chairman Reaffirms Opposition to Fuel Tax Increase

House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee Chairman Bill Shuster (R-Pa.) reaffirmed his opposition to increasing the motor fuels tax as a means of funding surface transportation, but said lawmakers must identify a funding mechanism by Easter recess if they want to pass a long-term bill before current law expires May 31.

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03-13-2015 by NATSO ARTBA Proposes Fuel Tax Increase With Rebates

The American Road and Transportation Builders Association on March 12 proposed that Congress increase the federal gasoline and diesel motor fuels tax by 15 cents per gallon and offset the cost with a federal tax rebate for low and middle income families as a means of funding long-term surface transportation.

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03-12-2015 by NATSO Transportation Coalition Urges Congress to Reject Devolution of Federal Highway Program

黑料社区joined a coalition of transportation, construction and business groups in urging Congress to oppose the devolution of the federal highway program and the Transportation Empowerment Act (TEA), saying they would strip away most federal funding for surface transportation projects and eliminate the federal government鈥檚 constitutionally mandated role in promoting interstate commerce.

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03-04-2015 by NATSO EPW Chairman Says It鈥檚 Time to Draft a Highway Bill

Senate Environment and Public Works Committee Chairman James Inhofe (R-Okla.) said the recent hearing on the reauthorization of the Highway Trust Fund will be the last and that the committee is working to push out a long-term bill before the current extension expires in May, according to Politico.

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02-27-2015 by NATSO GOP Senator Addresses Fuels Tax Increase

Republican Senator David Vitter (R-La.) said Feb. 25 that he would be open to increasing the federal motor fuels tax to fund transportation projects provided the hike was offset by a cut somewhere in the nation鈥檚 tax code.

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02-05-2015 by NATSO Bill Proposing 15-Cent Fuel Tax Increase Reintroduced

Rep. Earl Blumenauer (D-Ore.) reintroduced legislation Feb. 4 to increase the federal gas tax 15-cents per gallon over three years, nearly doubling the tax by 2018. The bill also would increase the diesel tax at the same rate for three years and tie both taxes to inflation.

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01-08-2015 by NATSO Obama Administration Will Consider Proposals to Increase Gas Tax

The Obama Administration said it will consider any proposals that Congress approves to pay for transportation, including proposals that increase the gas tax. However, the White House stopped short of endorsing a fuel tax increase and reiterated its support for corporate tax reform as the best option for fixing the Highway Trust Fund.


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