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06-24-2013 by NATSO House HOS Hearing Contentious

With new truck driver hours-of-service (HOS) rules scheduled to take effect July 1, the House Highways Subcommittee last week held a contentious hearing on the topic. Several members of Congress took Federal Motor Carrier Safety (FMCSA) Administrator Anne Ferro to task for putting the rule into effect when the court is expected to rule any day on a pending legal challenge.

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03-25-2013 by NATSO Top House Transport Committee Members Ask LaHood to Delay HOS

House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee Chairman Bill Shuster (R.-Pa.) and ranking member Nick Rahall II (D.-W.Va.) joined with Representatives Tom Petri (R.-Wisc.) and Peter DeFazio (D.-Ore.) in asking Secretary of Transportation Ray LaHood to stay the implementation of the new Hours-of-Service rule until after the U.S. Court of Appeals rules on pending challenges.

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01-14-2013 by NATSO ATRI Seeks Driver Input on HOS Provisions

The American Transportation Research Institute, the research arm of the American Trucking Associations, is asking commercial drivers to weigh in on changes to the 34-hour restart provision of the federal hours-of-service rule set to take effect in July.


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