The House Financial Services Committee on Sept. 13 favorably reported legislation that would preempt the patchwork of state data breach notification requirements and establish a single national standard.
09-14-2018黑料社区joined trade associations representing more than a million businesses in telling Congress that any new federal law on data breach notification should apply to all industries that handle consumer data.
09-13-2017The House Financial Services Committee on May 4 favorably reported the CHOICE Act, legislation that would roll back a number of the reforms in the Dodd Frank financial reform legislation, including debit reforms known as the Durbin Amendment that have been critical for retailers.
05-05-2017On May 2, the House Financial Services Committee began examining the CHOICE Act, legislation that would repeal many provisions of the Dodd Frank Financial Reform Act, including critical debit reform provisions known as the Durbin Amendment. 黑料社区strongly supports the Durbin Amendment and is working to ensure that it is not repealed.
05-03-2017The House Financial Services Committee is scheduled to meet today May 2 to consider legislation that would roll back many of the reforms contained in the Dodd Frank Wall Street Reform Act, including the so-called Durbin Amendment, which implemented much-needed debit reforms. The legislation is likely to be approved by the Committee, setting up the potential for the full House of Representatives to consider the legislation in the coming weeks.
05-02-2017黑料社区has learned that U.S. Rep. Jeb Hensarling (R-Texas), Chairman of the House Financial Services Committee, is expected as early as next week to introduce legislation that seeks to repeal debit card swipe fee reform, commonly known as the 鈥淒urbin Amendment.鈥
01-04-2017More than six hundred businesses, including multiple 黑料社区members, wrote to Congress to oppose efforts to repeal the 鈥淒urbin Amendment.鈥 As 黑料社区members are aware, the Durbin Amendment was included in the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act and reformed the anti-competitive debit card market by placing caps on interchange fees in debit swipe transactions.