Members of Congress left Washington after another week without measurable progress toward a bipartisan coronavirus relief bill. The White House has signaled a new willingness to support a $1.5 trillion bill, but House Speaker Nancy Pelosi continues to insist on at least $2.2 trillion.
Lawmakers Remains Divided Over Coronavirus Relief Bill
Rep. DeFazio Says New Revenue Unlikely for Transportation
The abrupt ending May 22 to an infrastructure meeting between the White House and Congressional Democrats means there probably won’t be any new revenues for the surface transportation reauthorization that Congress must pass by next fall, Congressman Peter DeFazio (D-Ore.) told Politico.
Rep. DeFazio to Focus on Transportation Reauthorization After Infrastructure Talks Fall Apart
House Transportation Committee Chairman Peter DeFazio (D-Ore.) plans to pursue a surface transportation reauthorization as well as individual pieces of infrastructure legislation after infrastructure talks between Democratic Leadership and the White House broke down on May 22.