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06-21-2019 by Tiffany Wlazlowski Neuman House Ways and Means Committee Advances Tax Extenders

The House Ways and Means Committee late last night advanced legislation that would extend temporary tax provisions through 2020, including the Biodiesel Tax Credit.
The committee voted 25 to 17 to advance a bill to extend the tax breaks that expired in 2017 and 2018 or will expire at the end of this year.

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03-05-2019 by NATSO House Leaders Reserve Floor Time for Infrastructure

As the House Ways and Means Committee prepares to hold its March 6 hearing examining the nation鈥檚 infrastructure, Rep. Earl Blumenauer (D-Ore.) said that House leadership has reserved floor time for an infrastructure bill with a target of late spring.

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11-07-2018 by NATSO Congressman DeFazio Plans to Deliver Major Infrastructure Package

Congressman Peter DeFazio (D-Ore.), who is set to become Chairman of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee in the 116th Congress, said Nov. 6 that a major infrastructure package funded by real dollars would be his first order of business in January. Current surface transportation law is set to expire in 2020 and infrastructure is largely viewed as one issue where bipartisan agreement will be possible next year. Of importance to truckstops and travel plazas, Rep. DeFazio spoke about the shortcomings of the $1.5 trillion infrastructure plan put forth by the Administration in early 2018, saying it was full of 鈥減retend stuff鈥 such as privatization and asset recycling, which could very easily lead to tolling and rest area commercialization.

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10-18-2018 by NATSO Lawmaker Pushes for New Infrastructure Panel

Rep. Earl Blumenauer (D-Ore.) is pushing to create an infrastructure subcommittee within the House Ways and Means Committee if Democrats take back the House in an effort to create a new forum for discussing ways to bolster infrastructure investment, Politico reports.

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11-03-2017 by NATSO House Republicans Introduce Tax Reform Measure

The House Ways and Means Committee on Nov. 2 released the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act to overhaul major aspects of the U.S. Tax system. The bill will be the subject of Committee consideration next week, kicking off formal tax committee action on the first such overhaul of the U.S. tax system in more than 30 years. Senate Finance Committee Chairman Orrin Hatch (R-UT) announced that he plans to release a Senate Republican version of a tax reform bill after the Ways and Means Committee completes its work, as soon as November 9. The Senate Finance Committee could consider its own plan at the same time the full House votes on its plan in an effort to make as much progress as possible on the legislation prior to Thanksgiving.


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