As the House Energy and Commerce Committee reviews the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) for the first time in five years, Committee Chairman Fred Upton (R-Mich.) has tasked four Republican panel members to take the lead on RFS reform.
08-01-2013The Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) announced that it is seeking to partner with public entities to privatize two of its non-interstate rest areas.
07-30-2013The House Energy and Commerce Committee released the final edition in a series of white paper on the Renewable Fuel Standard that will be used as the basis for a series of hearings.
07-15-2013Lawmakers tasked with finding new revenue streams to fund infrastructure projects increasingly are asking drivers of electric and hybrid vehicles to pay their fair share of infrastructure fees.
06-17-2013At least 18 state legislatures have either passed tax increases this year to fund infrastructure or are considering it.
06-03-2013The American Transportation Research Institute (ATRI), the research arm of the American Trucking Associations, recently announced that it is working with several groups to develop a national truck parking reservation system that allows drivers and fleets to check on parking availability along an interstate corridor in real time using wireless devices.
04-29-2013House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee Chairman Bill Shuster (R-Pa.) said last week that an increase in the federal fuel tax could be included in a broader tax reform package.
03-25-2013The number of states seeking to generate transportation revenues by increasing sales taxes or state motor fuel taxes is growing, with lawmakers in Missouri and Washington marking the latest to introduce such legislation.
03-18-2013In Michigan voters rejected the constitutional amendment that would have delayed or blocked the planned New International Trade Crossing bridge between Detroit and Windsor.
11-26-2012Gov. Rick Snyder on Friday declared a State of Energy Emergency in Michigan due to the limited availability and temporary shortages of gasoline and diesel fuel in areas of the Upper Peninsula caused by a shutdown of the West Shore Pipeline in Wisconsin.