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05-23-2018 by NATSO Minnesota Suspends B-20 Mandate Through End of June

The Department of Commerce has suspended through June 30 Minnesota鈥檚 minimum biodiesel content requirement of 20 percent that went into effect on May 1, OPIS reported. Biodiesel offered for sale in the state during the suspension must meet the biodiesel minimum content requirement of 10 percent that was in effect prior to May 1.

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05-13-2013 by NATSO Minnesota Senate Votes to Increase Gas Tax

After backing off a proposed gas tax increase in the face of opposition from Gov. Mark Dayton, the Minnesota state Senate voted to raise the gas tax by 5 cents over four years and impose an extra half-cent sales tax in the Twin Cities area over the same time span.

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04-29-2013 by NATSO National Truck Parking Information System Under Development

The American Transportation Research Institute (ATRI), the research arm of the American Trucking Associations, recently announced that it is working with several groups to develop a national truck parking reservation system that allows drivers and fleets to check on parking availability along an interstate corridor in real time using wireless devices.


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