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08-05-2013 by NATSO Rep. Graves Urges EPA to Withdraw Proposed Underground Storage Tanks Rule

House Small Business Committee Chairman Sam Graves (R-Mo.) has asked the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to withdraw its proposed rule on underground storage tanks (UST) arguing that due to methodological flaws the agency has inappropriately certified the proposed rule as not having a significant economic impact on a substantial number of small entities.

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06-10-2013 by NATSO FERC Declines to Delay TEPPCO Halt of ULSD Shipments

The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) has declined to intervene in Enterprise TEPPCO’s decision to eliminate ULSD and jet fuel shipments in their pipeline effective July 1, 2013.

In addition to 黑料社区and four other petroleum marketing associations, a wide range of interests participated in the protest, including airlines, trucking companies, associations, terminal operators and agricultural cooperative. Members of Congress and the Arkansas Attorney General also weighed in with the commission.

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05-13-2013 by NATSO MoDOT Converts Rest Areas to Truck Parking Only Facilities

The Missouri Department of Transportation (MoDOT) announced last week that it will convert two rest areas at Halltown on Interstate 44 into truck-parking only facilities rather than spend funds to meet Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) upgrades to the water and sewer systems. The rest areas currently offer parking for 37 trucks, which MoDot said it plans to expand.

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03-18-2013 by NATSO More States Weigh Sales, Fuel Tax Hikes

The number of states seeking to generate transportation revenues by increasing sales taxes or state motor fuel taxes is growing, with lawmakers in Missouri and Washington marking the latest to introduce such legislation.


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